Jade Sourisse
Research fellow
Hi! I am Jade, I'm from France and I am marine biologist currently working on the importance of cleaning mutualisms for coral reef ecosystems at Laboratório Marítimo da Guia. I did my PhD at the University of Hong Kong where I focused on the responses of aquatic organisms to environmental changes when it comes to behaviour and the molecular state of their nervous system.
I have always been fascinated by the sea, as my dad started teaching me scuba diving when I was very young. There is still so much to learn about how marine animals behave, interact and make entire ecosystems work, and I believe that my research can provide such fundamental knowledge. With the many threats marine life currently faces, I think it is also important to better understand what we should protect and why, and I hope my work contributes to those efforts so biodiversity conservation strategies are well oriented.
As a scuba diving instructor, I love to travel and discover new marine habitats and do outdoor sports all the time. When I cannot spend time outside though, I also enjoy playing video games until the rain is gone. Finally, I have a BIG passion for good food, especially desserts (I am French after all…).
E-mail: jade.sourisse@outlook.fr
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dfKzajYAAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao
Sourisse, J. M., & Schunter, C. (2024). Neuromolecular mechanisms related to reflex behaviour in Aplysia are affected by ocean acidification. R. Soc. Open Sci.
Kang, J., Chung, A., Suresh, S., Bonzi, L. C., Sourisse, J. M., Ramirez‐Calero, S., ... & Schunter, C. (2024). Long non‐coding RNAs mediate fish gene expression in response to ocean acidification. Evol. Appl., 17(2), e13655.
Sourisse, J. M., Bonzi, L. C., Semmelhack, J., & Schunter, C. (2023). Warming affects routine swimming activity and novel odour response in larval zebrafish. Sci. Rep., 13(1), 21075.
Clever, F*. & Sourisse, J. M.*, Preziosi, R. F., Eisen, J. A., Guerra, E. C. R., Scott, J. J., ... & Leray, M. (2022). The gut microbiome variability of a butterflyfish increases on severely degraded Caribbean reefs. Comm. Bio, 5(1), 770.
Jade's work is supported through a Research Fellowship under Special Regime within the project "ATLANTICDIVERSA – Use emergent technologies to understand the role of cleaning mutualisms in Atlantic biodiversity conservation" Ref. 2024/0028 funded by FLAD - Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento.