We found that during the heatwave, the fish struggled with a simple task, such as associating a colour cue to a food reward. After a recovery period of two weeks, cleaners’ regained their cognitive abilities, successfully completing the task, but their brains showed lasting changes.
Congrats Beatriz et al!
Check out the plain language summary and the full paper here.

GRADUATED! Master student Raúl Oliveira defended his thesis!🥳

Raúl got 18 in his thesis within the Biostatistics Master! 

Great job Raúl! We are proud of you! 

Thesis title: Using supervised machine learning to quantify cleaning behaviour

New publication🎉!
Oxygen loss compromises growth and cognition of cuttlefish newborns

We found that hypoxia yielded lower survival rates, smaller body sizes and inhibited predatory (increased latency to attack the prey) and anti-predator (camouflage) behaviours. Acute and chronic exposure to low oxygen produced similar effects on cognition (inability to socially learn, increased open-field activity levels, no changes in thigmotaxis). Congrats Melanie et al!

We are organising the XXI Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society

Our team is organising the 21th Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society to be held in Lisbon on 5, 6 and 7 December, in partnership with MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa and FLAD - Luso-American Development Foundation. 

Welcome Cat!

Dr. Catherine Sheppard just started in the Lab within ChangingMoods project! Cat comes from the UK and did a PhD at The University of Lancaster. Cat started doing fieldwork with Hawaiian cleaner wrasses earlier this month, and she's already a successful fish catcher! We are super excited to have you in the lab!

BEE gets 2 new competitive FCT PhD fellowships! Congratulations Maddalena and Tânia 🎉

Congratulations to Maddalena and Tânia for securing competitive PhD fellowships with FCT! Amazing work! Looking forward for the next 4 years! 

New lab paper! Great job Maddalena Ranucci

Congrats Maddalena et al! 

In our new study we demonstrate that cleaner gobies, Elacatinus oceanops, exhibit cue-based decision-making, particularly when prioritizing larger plates, mirroring their natural tendency to prioritize larger predatory clients, emphasizing the need for further research on their cognition in various ecological contexts. Check it out here. 

FLAD AtlanticDiversa video is out!

FLAD media team visited MARE/Ciências ULisboa - Laboratório Maritimo da Guia to record a promo video for the AtlanticDiversa project! I think it looks great! Have a look here (in Portuguese).

Welcome Jade!

Dr. Jade Sourisse just started in the Lab as a Post-doc under the project AtlanticDiversa! Jade comes from France and did a PhD at The University of Hong Kong. We are super excited to have you in the lab!

José was working with Ivan Nagelkerken, David Booth, Gigi Beretta and Angus Mitchel on cleaner wrasses expanding to temperate waters around Sydney. Thank you for hosting me, such a fun trip!

Beatriz was awarded a travel fellowship from ISBE to attend the 2024 Behavioural Ecology Congress!

She will be representing our team and present her work on cleaner wrasse behaviour under climate change stressors  🐟🐠!

José was awarded a la Caixa Foundation Junior Leader fellowship!

Thank you for the support!  🐟🐠

We are hiring!

 Would you like to live in sunny Lisbon? We are looking for a 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐝𝐨𝐜 to join the team and work with 𝐀𝐈 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐫 starting in October/November on a one-year fellowship (with the possibility of extensions). Email jrpaula [at] ciencias.ulisboa.pt for more information!

José Ricardo Paula was distinguished with the 4th edition of the Science Award Atlantic attributed by the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD). José received from His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, Prof. Dr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. The award provides 300.000 euros in funding in three years to develop a project that aims to improve the understanding of the role of cleaning mutualisms in the conservation of biodiversity, using emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

José attended the Gordon Research Conference on Predator-Prey Interactions

It was great to set new collaborations and to meet some old friends.

New publication by Beatriz Pereira (BEE PhD student) and Simon Neff (former Erasmus+ student) 🎉

Congrats Beatriz Pereira, Simon et al! Here we found that transgenerational exposure to reduced oxygen and elevated temperature negatively affects amphipod survival and male mating behaviours, but evidence of adaptation and carry-over effects were observed. Check it out!

Back at SPE! José, Maddalena, Beatriz, Melanie, Francisco and Raul participated in the 20th Portuguese Ethological Conference in Vila do Conde! Beatriz won the Springer Best Oral Presentation Award!

Congratulations Beatriz! Great job everyone!

José, Maddalena, Beatriz and Daniele participated in the 11th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference in Auckland, New Zealand! 

It was great to see old friends and make new collaborations! Great talks everyone!

New publication! Neuromolecular responses of cleaners and clients under environmental stressors

Neuromolecular responses in disrupted mutualistic cleaning interactions under future environmental conditions, with Dr. Celia Schunter Lab from HKU. Check it out here.

Beatriz, Melanie, Tânia, Raúl and Francisco participated in the 9ᵗʰ European Student Conference on Behavior & Cognition

Great talks and posters! 

Genome of the bluestreak cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus is out! Check out our new publication!

Gene losses, parallel evolution and heightened expression confer adaptations to dedicated cleaning behaviour, with Dr. Celia Schunter Lab from HKU. Check it out here!

GRADUATED! Master student Tânia Marquês defended her thesis!🥳

She got 18/20! Great job Tânia

Thesis title: 

The hidden burden of sociality: Effects of simulated infections on social distancing within cleaning interactions 

José visited Lexa Grutter in Hawai'i Island for some cleaner fish fieldwork

Thanks Lexa and Mark for having us! Check out a short video about it here

New pre-print led by Melanie Court (BEE Lab Manager) on cuttlefish cognitive impairments under oxygen loss 🦑 (no cuttlefish emoji..)

Congrats Melanie, Marta and Maddalena et al for such a cool manuscript! Check it out here.

New editorial led by José Ricardo Paula on the defense responses of aquatic animals to the environment 🐟

This was part of a Research Topic edited by José Ricardo Paula, Xiaodan Wang, Chang Xu and Daniel C. Moreira. Check it out!

Lab celebration 🥟 

There's always reasons to celebrate, but after a hardworking month with proposal applications, experiments and writing - the lab deserved some great dim sum! Best of luck for Maddalena and Melanie on their proposals!! 🤞🏻

GRADUATED! Master student Marta Macau defended her thesis!🥳

She got 18/20! Great job Marta! 

Thesis title: 

Impacts of ocean deoxygenation and hypoxia in the physiology and behaviour of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis)

Maria's Sea&Me episode about cleaner fish cognition is live! 🐠🧠

Check it out! Thank you so much Maria :)


José temporarily moved to Hawai'i within the project ChangingMoods 🌺

José will be managing the BEE group remotely in 2023, while he is hosted by Elizabeth Madin lab at Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology within the project ChangingMoods. His stay will be supported by FLAD R&D@USA and FCT.

YouTuber Maria Pinto (from Sea&Me) visted our lab! 📹

Maria Pinto, a well-known sci-comm YouTuber, visited us to film an episode on fish intelligence! Stay tuned. https://www.youtube.com/@Seamemaria 

Last 2022 lab meeting with Pizza!🍕

We celebrated our work throughout the year in a specially-themed lab meeting - our Italian team members taught us the skills of doing a great Pizza! (... and Beatriz started a pizza dough fight)

New publication! 📰

José Ricardo Paula and Raúl Oliveira just published in Animal Behaviour! The fieldwork was done in Moorea with Suzie Mills and Rui Rosa during José PhD at Rui Rosa Lab. Raúl Oliveira joined efforts at a later stage to perform an interobserver analysis test. 

Check it out at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.11.003 

Beatriz, Daniele and José  went parasite fishing in Algarve with AIMM 🤿

For our experiments, we needed to get our heads underwater and collect some parasites! Beatriz, Daniele, and Jose drove to the south of Portugal to set up some zooplankton emergence traps with the help of AIMM-Portugal. Thanks Joana and André!